Table of contents
- Vitamin D deficiency and genetic polymorphisms of Vitamin D-associated genes in Parkinson’s Disease
- VitaminDWiki - Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki -
5 studies in both categories Parkinson's and Genetics - VitaminDWiki -
11 studies in both categories Parkinson's and Vitamin D Receptor - VitaminDWiki – CYP27B1 category contains
- VitaminDWiki – Cancers might alter CYP24A1 gene
- VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D Binding Protein category listing has
178 items and the following introduction - VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D Binding Protein has a list of health problems
Vitamin D deficiency and genetic polymorphisms of Vitamin D-associated genes in Parkinson’s Disease
European Journal of Neuroscience preprint DOI: 10.22541/au.167407862.25881100/v1
Barnali Ray Basu1, Randrita Pal1, Supriyo Choudhury2, Hrishikesh Kumar2, Sanjit Dey3, and Nilansu Das1
1Surendranath College
2Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata
3University of Calcutta Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in ScienceParkinson’s Disease (PD) and vitamin D share a unique link as Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) prevails in PD. Thus, an in-depth understanding of Vitamin D biology in PD might be crucial for therapeutic strategies emphasizing Vitamin D. Specifically, explicating the effect of VDD and genetic polymorphisms of vitamin D-associated genes in PD, like
- VDR (Vitamin D Receptor) or
- GC (Vitamin D Binding Protein),
may aid the process along with polymorphisms of Vitamin D metabolizing genes (e.g., CYP2R1, CYP27A1) in PD. Literature review of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to Vitamin D levels [GC (GC1- rs7041, GC2-rs4588), CYP2R1, CYP24A1, CYP27B1] and Vitamin D function [VDR (FokI - rs2228570, Apal - rs7976091, BsmI-rs1544410, TaqI-rs731236)] was conducted to explore their relationship with PD severity globally. Furthermore, the DisGeNET database was utilized to explore the gene-disease associations in PD, and STRING alongside Cytoscape was utilized to identify critical genes associated with PD. VDR-FokI polymorphism was reported to be significantly associated with PD in Hungarian, Chinese, and Japanese populations, whereas VDR-ApaI polymorphism was found to affect PD in the Iranian population.
However, VDR-TaqI and BsmI polymorphisms had no significant association with PD severity.
Conversely, GC1 polymorphisms reportedly affected Vitamin D levels without influencing the disease severity.
CYP2R1 (excluding rs1993116) was also reportedly linked to clinical manifestations of PD.
Genetic polymorphisms might cause VDD despite enough sunlight exposure and vitamin D-rich food intake, enhancing inflammation, and thereby influencing PD pathophysiology.
Knowledge of the polymorphisms associated with vitamin D appears promising for developing new therapeutic strategies against PD.
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VitaminDWiki - Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D contains
- Vitamin D associated with Parkinson’s Disease in 55 studies, more studies needed- March 2022
- Parkinson's category has
118 studies - Parkinson’s Disease and Vitamin D – review of 52 studies – May 2022
- Parkinson patients: 60 % taking Vitamin D – Dec 2019
- Low Vitamin D increases Parkinson's by 3X– July 2010 "only" a 30 year test, need more study
- Parkinson's disease prevented by Vitamin D, but small doses do not treat it - Aug 2023
- 10 clinical trials for PD with vitamin D intervention as of June 2023
- Parkinson’s Disease Summer School – alternative therapies included 60-80 ng of Vitamin D – Sept 2019
- Associated with PD are: Meta-analyses (
12 ), Cognition ( 24 studies), Multiple Sclerosis ( 18 studies), VIRUS ( 4 studies), Omega-3 ( 3 studies), Vitamin D Receptor ( 11 studies) - Note by the Founder of VitaminDWiki: I have twice recommended lots of Vitamin D to treat PD. Both got much better, but one had his doctor him cut back to just 2,000 IU. All of his recovery got reversed. With lots of vitamin D he could sing and bike, but now he can barely talk or walk
VitaminDWiki -
5 studies in both categories Parkinson's and Genetics This list is automatically updated
- Parkinson’s Disease, low vitamin D and Vit. D genetics – Jan 2023
- Neuro problems (AD, PD, MSA) associated with poor vitamin D genes (CYP27A1, CYP27B1) – Sept 2022
- Parkinson’s Disease – no association found with changes in Vitamin D genes – meta-analysis June 2014
- Hypothesis: Early onset Parkinson's (LRRK2) can be prevented with vitamin D
- Parkinson's disease and LRRK2 gene
VitaminDWiki -
11 studies in both categories Parkinson's and Vitamin D Receptor This list is automatically updated
- Parkinson’s Disease and Vitamin D – review of 52 studies – May 2022
- Parkinson’s Disease, low vitamin D and Vit. D genetics – Jan 2023
- Parkinson’s Disease 3 X more likely if a poor Vitamin D Receptor – May – 2022
- Parkinson’s Disease might be fought by Vitamin D and the activation of the Vitamin D Receptor – March 2022
- Parkinson’s disease 1.6X more likely if a poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis Jan 2020
- Parkinson’s disease 20 percent more likely in Asians if poor Vitamin D Receptor – meta-analysis April 2019
- Parkinson's disease cognitive decline associated with poor Vitamin D receptor – Nov 2016
- Parkinson’s risk increased 2 to 7 times depending on Vitamin D Receptor – Sept 2016
- Parkinson's Disease associations with Vitamin D Receptor and GC gene – June 2016
- 2X more Parkinson's disease if modified vitamin D receptor genes – meta-analysis Aug 2014
- Parkinson's and Alzheimer's: associations with vitamin D receptor genes and race – meta-analysis July 2014
VitaminDWiki – CYP27B1 category contains
The CYP27B1 gene activates Vitamin D in the Kidney, Skin, Lungs, Brain, Eyes Breasts etc.
Poor CYP27B1 is assocated with COVID, Miscarriage, Lupus, Alz, Parkinson, MSA, RicketsCYtochrome P450 family 27 subfamily B member 1 = 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase
63 items in CYP27B1 category 344 articles in the Genetics 534 articles in Vitamin D Receptor 178 articles in Vitamin D Binding Protein - CYP27B1 and other genes are less activated in seniors
- CYP27B causes many health problems – March 2020
- Every Parkinson’s brain had a poor CYP27B1 gene
What can be done if have a poor CYP27B1
- Larger doses of Vitamin D
- More Bio-available: Gut-friendly form, Topical form, taken with fatty meal, taken with evening meal
- Additional sources: UV
- Increase Vitamin D metabolism: additional Magnesium, Omega-3
- All cytochrome P450 enzymes require Mg++ as a cofactor
- Increase the amount of Vitamin D in the blood that gets to cells: increase activation of VDR
Vitamin D blood test misses CYP27B1 and other genes
VitaminDWiki – Cancers might alter CYP24A1 gene
This list is automatically updated
Items found: 11
VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D Binding Protein category listing has
178 items and the following introduction Vitamin D Binding Protein (GC) gene can decrease the bio-available Vitamin D that can get to cells,
- GC is not the only such gene - there are 3 others, all invisible to standard Vitamin D tests
- The bio-available calculation does not notice the effect of GC, CYP27B1, CYP24A1, and VDR
- The actual D getting to the cells is a function of measured D and all 4 genes
- There is >2X increase in 8+ health problems if have poor VDBP (GC)
- It appears that VDBP only blocks oral vitamin D,
- but NOT Vitamin D from sun, UV, topical or inhaled (tissue activated)
- A clue: - Vitamin D from UV is 2X better for MS than oral Vitamin D
VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D Binding Protein has a list of health problems
RiskHealth Problem 11 X Preeclampsia 6.5X T1D in SA Blacks 6 X Food Allergy 5 X PTSD 4 X, 5X Kidney Cancer 4 X Poor Response to Oral Vitamin D 3 X Ear infection 2.8 X MS 2.5 X Severe Autism 2 X Colorectal Cancer 2 X Prostate Cancer -in those with dark skins 1.3 X Infertility Parkinson’s Disease, low vitamin D and Vit. D genetics – Jan 20234032 visitors, last modified 24 Jul, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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